When faced with the uncertainties, disruptions, and anxieties of a challenging world, we can find support and guidance in great spiritual literature. In this workshop we will turn to a collection of venerable and continually relevant texts known as the Upanishads.

Serving in many ways as foundations of yoga philosophy, one of the Upanishads’ core teaching is that, within each person, at the deepest and truest level, there is a divine, eternal, gracious presence. Knowing, honoring, and returning to this presence deep within the heart — our own and others’ — can bring us a sense of inner strength, stillness, and freedom even in what may be the swirling, difficult contours of our outer lives. Honoring that presence in others helps heal the world. As the Manduka Upanishad says, “That which is radiant in its light, steadfast, shining in the heart: that is the great support of our being.”

Included: Handout with Bill's translations of short passages from the Upanishads for their use during this session.

William K. Mahony, PhD, is known in the international yoga community for his informed and warm teaching that is accessible to students at all levels. Bill travels nationally and internationally to lead retreats and workshops on yoga philosophy and practice and this year has been presenting his sessions online. He has written numerous books and articles on the spiritual traditions of India. Bill has a deep understanding for the yogic life grounded in five decades of his own spiritual practice. He is also a Professor of Religious Studies at Davidson College in North Carolina.

For more information, visit his website: wkmahony.com

  Yoga and the Opening to Delight
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