A Webinar Series with Deane Juhan
The newest evolutionary form of human intelligence is that measured by the I.Q. tests we are all familiar with. They are a measure of reading skills, math skills, and the ability for analytical thought. These capacities are indeed remarkable, and have set us apart as a species. They are primarily a function of the prefrontal cortex, the most recent evolution of brain structure.
Older than that, and involving older brain structures, is emotional intelligence. These are the skills and capacities that allow for creatures’ socialization, group dynamics, and interpersonal relationships. They are largely due to the evolution of our brains’ limbic structures associated with emotional feelings and perceptions.
But far older than that, beginning with the ancient structures of brain stem and spinal cord, is what I call muscular intelligence. It is what we have in common with, amoebas, flat worms, earth worms, and indeed all other earlier animal species. Its operations profoundly affect our emotional and intellectual lives, and It is, I believe, the very basis of consciousness itself.
From their very inception, nervous systems have always had three basic functions:
Sensation in, internal processing, adaptive behavior out. As evolution has progressed, ever more complex refinements in these functions have been added, but the basic functions of awareness of the environment, attendance to our organism’s internal needs, and mobility have remained the same.
In our own systems, 90% of these operations are happening below the level of conscious awareness. When they become dis-regulated, all of the functions of our being become compromised. Understanding them and bringing them more to light is the basis of my practice and teaching.
This series will use slides, lecture and discussion to reveal what muscular intelligence consists of, and how it impacts everything in our lives.
Participants will learn how these principles can deepen their therapeutic effectiveness in treating the ills of body and mind.
“The brain recalls just what the muscles grope for: no more, no less”
—Wm. Faulkner
“Our most sacred convictions, the unchanging elements of our supreme values, are judgements of our muscles.”
—F. Nietzsche
You will learn:
Class Number One
- The basic structure and evolutionary phases of sensorimotor systems
- How muscular movement is generated—motor nerve stimulation of the muscular cell, myosin and actin processes of tone, contraction and lengthening.
- Connective tissue matrix organization of movement vectors and the mechanical transference of movement throughout the body
Class Number Two
- The integration of the whole mind into all movement patterns—emotions, memories, learned skills, unconscious habits
- The Gamma Motor System—how intention becomes action, and how habitation becomes limitation
- The disruptive force of trauma
- The process of forming new, more functional habits of mind and movement
Class Number Three
- A therapeutic approach to somatic dis-regulation
- The primary need for safety as a milieu for change—polyvagal functions
- Heightening sensory awareness as primary to change
- Mind/body focus of attentive meditation—psycho-physical integration
- The ineffectiveness (and dangers) of “spiritual bypass”
- The body is always here and now; the mind is the source of all patterns
This series is for: This workshop series is designed for teachers of Yoga, Movement, and Pain Specialists will include cutting-edge research and findings. Curious students are also welcome of course.
Included in the price: You will receive the downloadable recording of each session.
CEUs available with NCBTMB - you will receive a certificate for 6 hours of CEU.
About Deane Juhan
Deane Juhan is an Instructor of the Trager approach to movement re-education. Deane was an Esalen Bodyworker for 19 years, and trained in a wide variety of practices and psychological therapy. While there, he met Dr. Milton Trager and was introduced to his innovative therapeutic approach. Deane was personally trained by him over the course of 24 years. As a certified practitioner and teacher of Dr. Trager’s work, Deane became one of his initial students that were entrusted to carry on the lineage of his unique approach to deep mental and physical healing. Deane has been teaching Dr. Trager’s approach around the world for more that 40 years.
Website: jobsbody.com