Perhaps no other yoga text is as applicable to daily life as the Bhagavad Gītā. This exploration will begin with an overview seminar, followed by weekly study groups. We recommend the participants take the Overview Seminar, but it is not required in order to take part in the study group.

In the study groups we will read the study together, from beginning to end, with ample opportunity to delve into the teachings and practices.

This course gives you access to all the 40 video sessions of the study groups. Each session is about 1.5hr

About the Bhagavad Gītā

Does love play a role in yoga? Does yoga play any role in our day to day activities? What about knowledge? The tradition of yoga developed, from very early on, several approaches to yoga that are capable of providing meaning, depth and joy not only to our practice, but to the rest of our lives as well. This seminar explores the responses of the yoga tradition, since the early stages of its development, through an inspiring investigation of the Bhagavad Gītā, one of its foundational texts. Join us for this insightful and inspiring seminar.

Recommended Translation:

· The Bhagavad Gītā, tr. by Winthrop Sargeant. SUNY Press (various editions).


Carlos Pomeda

Originally from Madrid, Spain, Carlos has been steeped in all aspects of the yoga tradition during more than 40 years of practice and study. He spent 18 of those years as a monk of the Saraswati order, under the name Swami Gītānanda, including 9 years of traditional training and practice in India.

During this time he learned the various systems of Indian Philosophy and immersed himself in the practice of yoga, becoming one of the senior monks of the tradition and teaching meditation and philosophy to tens of thousands of students around the world. He combines this experience and traditional training with his academic background, which includes two Masters Degrees: one in Sanskrit, from U.C. Berkeley (where he has taught) and another one, in Religious Studies, from U.C. Santa Barbara. He is currently working on a book on the topic of “Karma and the Journey of the Soul”, as well as an updated History of Yoga and a new translation of the Śivasūtra, an important Tantric text of the Kashmiri tradition .

Carlos currently lives in the US, and travels extensively around the world conducting a variety of retreats, courses, seminars, workshops and lectures on the Wisdom of Yoga and related subjects.

As a teacher, Carlos is renowned for the breadth of his knowledge and the clarity with which he conveys it. His great love of the Indian yoga traditions, his insight, his humor and his deep connection with his audiences give him the ability to transmit the deepest scriptural teachings in a way that is clear, meaningful and applicable. Studying with Carlos is an enjoyable and transformative experience.