Next Level Forward Bends with Suzanne Zuber

Rather than starting with ‘just stretching’, this workshop uses strengthening drills for the thigh muscles, launching into effective ‘activated stretching’ techniques from runners’ science. Goal is to maintain strength in the legs even when they are stretched out (end range of motion). Springboard pose is Hanumanasana (Yoga splits), using the skills from our backbend workshop for the back leg. The street-smart alignment technology of Anusara Yoga will provide special hip alignment cues that truly deepen your forward folds.

In addition to effective legwork, there will be a fair amount of core activation including arm and shoulder press. Advanced practitioners will have the opportunity to try out their ‘new legs’ on modifications of split legged arm balance pose (Koundinyasana)

About Suzanne

Suzanne Zuber (E-RYT 500), European-American yogini and international yoga instructor, has been fortunate to study in-depth asana, anatomy, therapeutics, and the various Yogic traditions and philosophies with world-renowned Hatha and Vinyasa teachers.

Suzanne’s passion for teaching comes from direct experience: a belief that yoga can turn your life around as you reconnect to your innate physical and mental freedom. Suzanne’s yoga journey began over a decade ago as a stressed-out, pained young mother and museum professional, in a German Ashtanga studio. Here, she found the gracefulness she was missing from her years of dancing Ballet; yet what intrigued her most was the peace she experienced in the practice. In California, Suzanne encountered Anusara Yoga, whose alignment-based and heart-centered method helped her overcome chronic pain and reframe her approach to life’s ups and downs.

Yoga classes with Suzanne are upbeat and humorous, challenging and reflective. She likes to interweave ancient myths (with a grain of salt), tapping into timeless universal truths as we explore asanas, pranayama, and meditation on the mat. Suzanne is happiest when her students come out of her class feeling balanced and energized, strong to the core, and well-aligned in body, mind, and spirit.