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Yoga Asana Class
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Yoga Asana Class (17)
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Adam Ballenger
Amy Ippoliti
Anne Douglas
Anodea Judith Ph.D.
Barrie Risman
Barrie Risman & Nina Zolotow
Bill Mahony
Carlos Pomeda
Christina Sell
Cyndi Lee
Deane Juhan
Desiree Rumbaugh
Doug Keller
Elise Miller
Marc Holzman
Nina Zolotow
Noah Maze
Rae Diamond
Richard Miller
Richard Rosen
Sally Kempton
Saraswati Clere
Scott Blossom
Shar McBee and Barrie Risman
Stephanie Lopez
Sue Elkind
Suzanne Zuber
Yogakula Manager
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Yoga Asana Class
Empowered: Standing + Balancing Poses
Available until
Build your confidence and inner power through standing and balancing poses!
Amy Ippoliti
* Next Level Forward Bends
Available until
This workshop not only opens your quads, spine and chest, but just as importantly, fires up your entire back body and integrates your core for sustainable asanas.
Suzanne Zuber
* Next Level Backbends
Available until
This workshop not only opens your quads, spine and chest, but just as importantly, fires up your entire back body and integrates your core for sustainable asanas.
Suzanne Zuber
Autumn Renewal Retreat - Full Weekend
Available until
Amy Ippoliti
Beyond the Sixpack - Deep Abdominal Strength for Happy Back and Shoulders
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This upbeat class will use physical therapy and breath work to unlock the healing potential of the core in classical yoga postures.
Suzanne Zuber
Hip Mobility + Stability for Happy Back, Hips and Knees
Available until
Learn how to stabilize and lengthen your hip muscles to prevent back pain.
Suzanne Zuber
Hip Mobility for the Ages: Healthy Hips and Knees
Available until
Come with a willing spirit and leave with an open pelvis!
Amy Ippoliti
Feeling at Ease & Living Well: An iRest Yoga Nidra Workshop.
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Learn how to slow down, reconnect, and nourish yourself
Stephanie Lopez
Healthy Movement Series
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Explore movement and breath practices to feel better.
Deane Juhan
The Body is the Vessel: Deepening Your Yoga Practice
Available until
Barrie Risman
New Perspectives on Alignment in Yoga to Deepen Your Practice: with Doug Keller
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Learn how to align your body to protect you from injuries, pain, and discomfort.
Doug Keller
The Yoga of Homecoming: supported back-bending poses
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Key principles of upper body alignment and the deeper significance of freeing the chest, neck and shoulders
Barrie Risman
Yoga Lab: Form and Function
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A fun and informative practice session on Form (alignment) & Function (movement-Dharma)
Adam Ballenger
Breath Workshop for Healthy Lungs
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Strengthen and improve your lung capacity and keep these vital organs strong for life!
Sue Elkind
Relieving Lower Back Pain
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Appropriate for those dealing with their own back-related issues and those who treat these conditions in others.
Elise Miller
Yoga for Scoliosis
Available until
With regular practice, you can ease the pain of a crooked back and turn it into a powerful teacher.
Elise Miller
Rest, Refuge and Renewal: A Restorative Yoga Workshop
Available until
Use props to promote relaxation, calm, and quietness of mind.
Barrie Risman